Demand Management Best Practices

Demand Management is how you go about planning for PPM in the long term. Without demand management, business unit requests and departmental pet projects can quickly overwhelm your organization’s budgets and resources. Conversely, having too many heavy-handed policies that inhibit new efforts can stifle growth, innovation, and needed solutions.

This white paper considers how Demand Management can improve your current Clarity PPM efforts. We’ll review two ways to practice Demand Management in your organization, plus suggest four best practices for any Demand Management implementation.

View more webinars and white papers at

Let Rego Be Your Guide

Rego also offers free health assessmentswebinars, and half-day training classes for CA PPM (Clarity PPM) on Roadmaps in the Modern UX, Power BI, Portfolio Management, and Jaspersoft. 

For a full list of CA PPM (Clarity PPM)  Services, visit